My Third #Sitecore Technology MVP Journey. #SitecoreMVP

I debate this every year. Should I write a blog about becoming a Sitecore MVP? I like to blog so why not. It is no secret that I love the Sitecore community and I am honored to be a part of it. Being an MVP last year I was able to help with feedback on a few things before they were released to rest of the community. I felt like the cool kid in class. So here is my goal check and what I would like to do this year.

Last year’s goals:

  • Write some more good quality blogs. (I believe I did this. I really hope my DEF blogs have helped at least one person.)
  • Attend all the local Sitecore meetups including one in Milwaukee. (Chicago didn’t have much for meetups, but drove the 2+ hours to go the Milwaukee meetup. I also got to present at one. Yay!)
  • Reach out help others in Slack and Sitecore Stack Exchange. (I love helping others so I won’t stop trying.)
  • Create Sitecore Runner Buttons and bring them to the Symposium. (Sadly I didn’t get to go this year, but if you want a button I can send you one. :()
  • Using my new MVP status network with the Sitecore family better. (I hope I did a good job with this, but I can always do better.)
  • Participate in the Sitecore Hackathon again. (Did that with a successful submission finally.)
  • Make a VLog. (I still have to make this happen.)
  • Finish that update on my DEF Reddit Module in the Sitecore Marketplace. (All updated and code shared.)

This Year’s Goals:

  • Helping others. I love doing this and feel I can do a better job.
  • Continue updating my blog and sharing my knowledge with the Sitecore community.
  • Come up with a good idea that hasn’t been done before with Sitecore (I got this, can’t share yet until I know it works.)
  • Speak again at a meetup. I was shy once. Hard to believe. I love speaking now in front of others.
  • Make that darn VLog. For my new idea I will need to.
  • Attend the Sitecore Symposium in Chicago. I can take the train. Even if it costs me vacation time and I have to pay for it I will be there.
  • Keep updating my DEF Reddit Module.
