My Third #Sitecore Technology MVP Journey. #SitecoreMVP

I debate this every year. Should I write a blog about becoming a Sitecore MVP? I like to blog so why not. It is no secret that I love the Sitecore community and I am honored to be a part of it. Being an MVP last year I was able to help with feedback on a few things before they were released to rest of the community. I felt like the cool kid in class. So here is my goal check and what I would like to do this year.

Last year’s goals:

  • Write some more good quality blogs. (I believe I did this. I really hope my DEF blogs have helped at least one person.)
  • Attend all the local Sitecore meetups including one in Milwaukee. (Chicago didn’t have much for meetups, but drove the 2+ hours to go the Milwaukee meetup. I also got to present at one. Yay!)
  • Reach out help others in Slack and Sitecore Stack Exchange. (I love helping others so I won’t stop trying.)
  • Create Sitecore Runner Buttons and bring them to the Symposium. (Sadly I didn’t get to go this year, but if you want a button I can send you one. :()
  • Using my new MVP status network with the Sitecore family better. (I hope I did a good job with this, but I can always do better.)
  • Participate in the Sitecore Hackathon again. (Did that with a successful submission finally.)
  • Make a VLog. (I still have to make this happen.)
  • Finish that update on my DEF Reddit Module in the Sitecore Marketplace. (All updated and code shared.)

This Year’s Goals:

  • Helping others. I love doing this and feel I can do a better job.
  • Continue updating my blog and sharing my knowledge with the Sitecore community.
  • Come up with a good idea that hasn’t been done before with Sitecore (I got this, can’t share yet until I know it works.)
  • Speak again at a meetup. I was shy once. Hard to believe. I love speaking now in front of others.
  • Make that darn VLog. For my new idea I will need to.
  • Attend the Sitecore Symposium in Chicago. I can take the train. Even if it costs me vacation time and I have to pay for it I will be there.
  • Keep updating my DEF Reddit Module.


My Second #Sitecore Technology MVP Journey. #SitecoreMVP

I debated if I should write a blog about becoming an Sitecore MVP again, but decided why not. I love blogging so this is a good chance to talk about the last year and my goals for this year. It is a like a diary for my future tech self.

Last year’s goals:

  • Write good quality blogs. (Hey it is an opinion not a fact.)
  • Attend all the local Sitecore meetups and network with local developers. (I made some new friends this way.)
  • Reach out help others in Slack and Sitecore Stack Exchange. (Did my best here, but I don’t always have the right answer.)
  • Create Sitecore Runner Buttons and bring them to the Symposium.
    Using my new MVP status network with the Sitecore family better. (Sorry if I talked too much.)
  • Participate in the Sitecore Hackathon. (Still catching up on sleep.)
  • Make a VLog. (Even bought a new camera last year. This one did not happen. :()
  • Update my DEF Redditt Module in the Sitecore Marketplace. (I have this almost ready just need the time.)

This year’s goals:

  • Write some more good quality blogs. (Does this one count? ;))
  • Attend all the local Sitecore meetups including one in Milwaukee. (Make sure you order enough food for me.)
  • Reach out help others in Slack and Sitecore Stack Exchange. (I love helping others so I won’t stop trying.)
  • Create Sitecore Runner Buttons and bring them to the Symposium. (If you did not get this highly sought after collectible I will be bringing them again.)
  • Using my new MVP status network with the Sitecore family better. (I am not hiding. Well behind this keyboard I am.)
  • Participate in the Sitecore Hackathon again. (Maybe I should sleep before it starts.)
    Make a VLog. (I have to make this happen.)
  • Finish that update on my DEF Redditt Module in the Sitecore Marketplace. (I am going to release it before the end of the year.)

If you are an MVP hopeful and you are reading this now I want to leave you with some advice the guy that was supposed to at the Sitecore Symposium said in a movie once. I put this quote right up there with Rocky quotes.

Image result for will smith pursuit of happiness quote

Named a #SitecoreMVP 2018 MVP Technology

As I am writing this I am still in shock. Several years ago I was just learning and developing with Sitecore at night while working on other projects during the day. Little did I know where it would lead me. I have run several marathons and I can tell you this journey was a marathon. There were some good and rough times along my way, but I kept moving forward.

My drive to become an MVP started a year ago when I got a job with Paragon and they gave me the confidence to believe I can achieve MVP status. I talked to many MVPs this past year and they gave me a lot of helpful advice. I have met so many people in the Sitecore community this past year as well and I am excited about being more involved in the community as an MVP and making new connections. The highlights of this year have been the meetups, Slack conversations and most of all getting to attend the Sitecore Symposium in Las Vegas. So, I just want to say thank you to Paragon, all the MVPs who gave me advice, aspiring MVPs that were on the ride with me, Sitecore of course and the Sitecore community.

So now what? Well no matter what if I didn’t get awarded MVP I was going to continue doing what I am doing. I learned a lot about myself this past year. I love blogging, I really love Sitecore more than I realized before and most of all I love sharing my knowledge. If I was going to add something new I think it would be coming up with a YouTube video this year. I just need to find the right blog topic.

To see all the winners check it out here. Also congratulations to my co-worker Scott Gillis who has gotten Sitecore MVP for the second year in year in a row. You can check his blog at thecodeattic.