Attaching to Sitecore Sites with Smart Debug Attacher

I’m sure everyone has a set of tools they use for speeding up debugging. One of my favorites to use is the Smart Debug Attacher.

You can find the Visual Studio extension here.

It is very easy to use. After you install it you will see the following on the Visual Studio tool bar:

If you haven’t used it before and attached to a process you will see the following message. Just click OK.

The following display appears. Simply find the process you want to attach to,select it and then double click. Then click on the Attach button. Visual Studio will then attach to the process and go into debug mode.

The nice thing about this tool is that you can see the app pool so if you have several sites you can attach to the correct one. It will also remember what you attached to last time so you don’t have to keep selecting the process you want to attach to.

So does anyone else have a good tool for debugging?