Upgrading to #Sitecore 9 Data Exchange Framework Module 2.0.1. What to Expect. #DEF

In last year’s blogs I did a several part series on the Data Exchange Framework or DEF. You can find that here. I decided to upgrade my DEF Reddit feed module to the latest versions of Sitecore and DEF to get more familiar with the changes.

The first thing I did to the solution after installing the new latest version of DEF into Sitecore 9 Update 1 was to replace the following files.

Code Changes:

Starting with BaseReadDataStepProcessor I noticed a slight change.

The following code:

protected override void ReadData(Endpoint endpoint, Sitecore.DataExchange.Models.PipelineStep pipelineStep, PipelineContext pipelineContext) {  

Should now be:

protected override void ReadData(Endpoint endpoint, PipelineStep pipelineStep, PipelineContext pipelineContext, ILogger logger) {  

As you can see from the above code PipelineContext was replaced with ILogger.

The function that adds the plugin has changed.

From this:


To this:


In the RedditFeedValueReader the following method has changed since CanReadResult object is now ReadResult,


  1. public CanReadResult CanRead(object source, DataAccessContext context) {  
  2.     bool flag = source != null && source is RedditSharp.Things.Post;  
  3.     return new CanReadResult() {  
  4.         CanReadValue = flag  
  5.     };  
  6. }  


  7. public ReadResult CanRead(object source, DataAccessContext context) {  
  8.     bool flag = source != null && source is RedditSharp.Things.Post;  
  9.     return new ReadResult(DateTime.Now) {  
  10.         ReadValue = source, WasValueRead = flag,  
  11.     };  
  12. }

    In the RedditFeedFieldValueAccessorConverter class I noticed the following issue after upgrading.

    After using DotPeek to take a look I found this method no longer exists. It looks like it has been renamed/replaced by ConvertResult. Also it has been set to protected vs public.

  13. protected override ConvertResult < IValueAccessor > ConvertSupportedItem(ItemModel source) {  
  14.     return this.PositiveResult((IValueAccessor) new ValueAccessor() {  
  15.         ValueReader = this.GetValueReader(source), ValueWriter = this.GetValueWriter(source)  
  16.     });  
  17. }  

    So, I converted by existing method and it works again.

  18. protected override ConvertResult < IValueAccessor > ConvertSupportedItem(ItemModel source) {  
  19.     var accessor = base.Convert(source);  
  20.     if (accessor == null) {  
  21.         return null;  
  22.     }  
  23.     var fieldName = base.GetStringValue(source, RedditFeedFieldValueValueAccessorItemModel.RedditFeedFieldName);  
  24.     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldName)) {  
  25.         return null;  
  26.     }  
  27.     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldName)) {  
  28.         return null;  
  29.     }  
  30.     ValueWriter = this.GetValueWriter(source);  
  31.     ValueReader = this.GetValueReader(source) ? ? new RedditFeedValueReader(fieldName);  
  32.     if (ValueWriter == null) {  
  33.         ValueWriter = new PropertyValueWriter(fieldName);  
  34.     }  
  35.     return this.PositiveResult((IValueAccessor) new ValueAccessor());  
  36. }  

    The way ids were set before is now a bit different.

    Before I would set id’s using the following:

  37. private static readonly Guid TemplateId = Guid.Parse(“{CE67E73A-40DF-4AB7-A7D3-2FD65E166E2E}”);  
  38. public RedditEndpointConverter(IItemModelRepository repository): base(repository) {  
  39.     this.SupportedTemplateIds.Add(TemplateId);  
  40. }  

    I changed that and now just do this:

  41. [SupportedIds(“{68BD9AAD-635F-40F3-9ACD-711662C59EEC}”)]  

    Sitecore Changes:

    The value mapping has changed to a Treelist instead of a droplist.

    The window that gave you updates while the batch process ran has changed. Now it links to a log file.

    Those are the changes I made for now. Unfortunately, I am not able to run the process as I did before. It seems something else has changed. I am currently digging into that and have gone to Sitecore support for help. I will document the change in my next blog and also update the code repository so you can see the new changes.

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